Together we can help
There are four ways you can get involved
None of us can go a single day without having an impact on someone’s life. And we can’t always predict how what we do to help change a life might wind up changing ours, too. Your support and partnership not only make a difference right now but also have an impact on the future for all of us who are blessed to live in the beautiful world God created. Getting involved in any of the ministries described in our Impact page makes a difference in the lives of the people who are sacrificing their lives for God. Below are several ways you can do this:
PARTNERING FINANCIALLY: Support a project or mission to help share God’s love with those who have never heard.
TRAINING AND EQUIPPING: Give the lecturer time for equipping and training online or give your time to motivate personal evangelism training.
MISSION OPPORTUNITIES: Get involved in ministries that include church planting, evangelism trips, presenting us, prayer team and many more. There is a huge range of opportunities for churches and organisations to get involved in missions.
More than anything, our persecuted brothers and sisters in the world request prayer support as they stand firm against persecution. Remembering and praying not only builds our own faith but reminds us we are part of the story of God throughout the years. The Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in Iran – and now’s the time to join what God is doing! Here are just a few prayer points that we would like to share with you.
Prayer points:
Please pray for the growing Christian sector inside Iran and for the Muslims who are converting to Christianity.
Isaiah 43:18‒19
“Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Iran’s government sees the conversion of Muslims to Christianity as blasphemy. Pray for protection for underground church leaders and for wisdom to know how to continue building God’s church despite intense monitoring and opposition.
Personal Devotion
In the wilderness, you make a way.
In the desert, you carve a river.
You draw me toward a fresh start, O God.
I am grateful.
Turn my gratitude to your mission and service.
A mission to support others seeking a way.
A service that holds the promise of a fresh start. For your way, your truth, and your light I pray, O God. Amen.
Pray for courage for imprisoned Christians and for those who have to flee their homeland.
1 Corinthians 12:26
“ If one part [of the body] suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.”
Remember the many Christians currently imprisoned for their faith in Iran. Pray for God’s comfort and strength, especially for those being held in isolation or facing torture, and pray that Iran will stop persecuting Christian converts and other religious minorities for the peaceful practice of their faith.
Personal Devotion
God of the journey,
You go before me, preparing my way.
You go behind me, encouraging me on.
You go above me, broadening my horizon.
You go below me, anchoring my path.
You go beside me, my companion and friend.
Thank you for being here every step of the way. Amen.
Pray that new believers leading convert groups will be equipped by the Lord and develop a firm grounding in their faith.
Romans 12:4‒6a
“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us….”
Thank God for the many emergent leaders taking responsibility for growing God’s kingdom. Pray that these leaders lead Iranian believers to get to know the Bible better and grow in their faith. Amen
Personal Devotion
Mine, O God, is a mission of hope.
Mine, O God, is a mission of peace.
Mine, O God, is a mission of love.
For I believe hope, peace, and love are hallmarks of your mission, O God.
Today, I recommit myself to joining your mission with a hopeful, peaceful, loving heart. Amen.
“If one part [of the body] suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.”
~1Corinthians 12:26”
Get together, make a difference
Fundraising has been around for a very long time. Even in biblical times, Paul asked people to financially support God’s work. Paul uses a powerfully written message, that giving to God’s work is to be done willingly and generously (2 Cor 8:8; 9:5, 7). He claims to not be commanding them to give but “testing the genuineness of their love” (2 Cor 8:8). He even states that giving is a sign of “your obedience to your confession in the gospel of Christ” (2 Cor 9:13).
Would you like to fundraise for SMRC on behalf of persecuted Christians? Join in this ministry and you will become part of a continuous life-flow, helping Christians living with pressure and persecution around the world. You can organise all types of events, help us to communicate with other churches or, on behalf of SMRC, go and talk about our work to others.
“Be part of this growing movement and stand with our brothers and sisters, survivors of persecution against their faith in Christ. Together we will stand up to those who would oppress Christians in Iran and stand alongside these survivors as they live out their faith in Christ in Iran or wherever God may have put them.’’
Let’s Not Forget!
We would love you to use your time, skills and passion to help raise awareness and action for persecuted Christians. Take a look at some of the things you can do as an SMRC volunteer. We're always keen to grow the team if you’ve got some spare time and you’d like to help.
What you can do is:
Volunteer as a teacher, church rep, prayer partner, administrator, theologian and…If you have some free time each week you can serve the Lord. You could work one or two days a week, in serving your persecuted brothers and sisters.
These are just some of the concrete ways your reliable support through SMRC has made a huge difference:
helped people at home and abroad struggling to put food on the table for their families
ensured those who are most vulnerable receive medical care and personal protective equipment
created networks of support for young people
strengthened suffering Christians through the grace of God’s Word
supported an evangelist or pastor in their ministry
Your ongoing support will continue to go directly to those who are most impacted by the pandemic at home and around the world.
Be part of this growing movement and stand with our brothers and sisters, survivors of persecution against their faith in Christ. Together we will stand up to those who would oppress Christians in Iran and stand alongside these survivors as they live out their faith in Christ in Iran or wherever God may have put them. Are you with us?